Seamless Mileage Reimbursement

The Ultimate Automated Mileage Calculator for Expense Tracking



Accurate hassle-free Mileage Claims

Seamless mileage claiming for staff and agencies


Optimized STAFF productivity

By utilizing our automated app to track mileage and submit claims to agencies in real-time, users can enjoy an average time savings of 30 minutes per week, resulting in a remarkable total of approximately 26 hours saved annually.


Optimized AGENCY productivity

Our app effortlessly streamlines mileage claims, eliminating manual and time-consuming processes. In the case of an agency with 100 temporary staff, this results in an estimated time savings of 50 hours per week, amounting to an impressive total of approximately 156,000 hours saved annually.

Mobile mileage tracking for temp-staff

Temp staff can rely on the app to automatically track their mileage accurately, ensuring that they capture every eligible mile for reimbursement.

The A2B app ensures that mileage calculations are accurate, maximizing the reimbursement for temp staff and preventing any financial loss.

Tailored to Your Business

One of the key advantages of our white-label offering is its adaptability and customization. We understand that every business has unique branding requirements and workflows. That's why our app can be fully tailored to match your brand identity, allowing for a seamless user experience that aligns perfectly with your company's look and feel.

Quick Actions

Revolutionize the way mileage claims are recorded, eliminating the traditional manual process and accelerating efficiency like never before.

Real-Time Data Integration

Experience seamless and real-time synchronization of mileage data between the A2B app and your agency's secure, cloud-based spreadsheet with our powerful API integration. Any updates or changes made through the app instantly reflect in the spreadsheet, guaranteeing unmatched data consistency and accuracy.

Safe and Secure

We use industry-standard encryption to secure the data stored within the app. The transmission of information between A2B app and the Cloud-Based spreadsheet is protected using 256-bit TLS encryption.

Remove the pain of staff mileage claims

Discover the Power of A2B: 10 Key Features Resolving Mileage Claim and Expense Management Challenges Faced by Agencies with Temporary Staff!


Streamline Your Workflow with A2B: Eliminate Manual Tasks and Save Precious Time!

Traditional mileage claim and expense management systems often involve manual data entry, paper-based receipts, and cumbersome processes, leading to inefficiency and time wastage for agencies.


Reliable and Accurate Reporting: Say Goodbye to Inaccuracies with A2B!

Relying on manual processes increases the chances of errors and inaccuracies in mileage reporting, leading to incorrect reimbursements and potential compliance issues.


Unleash Clear Visibility and Control with A2B: Say Goodbye to Guesswork!

Agencies may struggle to have real-time visibility into the mileage and expense claims of their temporary staff, making it difficult to track and manage costs effectively.


Seamlessly Navigate Compliance Challenges with A2B: Stay Ahead and Ensure Peace of Mind!

Keeping up with tax regulations, reimbursement policies, and documentation requirements can be complex and challenging for agencies, particularly when dealing with a large number of temporary staff.


Experience Administrative Freedom with A2B: Eliminate Burdens and Focus on What Matters Most!

The administrative workload associated with processing and managing mileage claims and expenses can be overwhelming, taking valuable time and resources away from core business activities.


Unlock Seamless Integration with A2B: Say Goodbye to Fragmented Systems and Embrace Unified Efficiency!

When staff submit mileage claims there is often a disconnect with being able to integrate with spreadsheets, leading to data silos, duplication of effort, and increased complexity in reconciling records.


Elevate Your Reporting and Analysis Game with A2B: Unlock Actionable Insights for Informed Decision-Making!

Agencies may struggle to generate meaningful reports and insights from their mileage and expense data, making it difficult to identify trends, analyze spending patterns, or make informed decisions.


On-the-Go Efficiency: Access and Track Mileage Anywhere with Mobile Convenience

The A2B app make mileage calculators accessible on the go, allowing staff to track mileage from their smartphones or tablets.


Seamless GPS Integration: Effortlessly Track and Calculate Mileage with Precision

Integration with GPS technology allows mileage calculators to accurately calculate distances and navigation, ensuring precise mileage calculations and amount claimable.


Accelerate Reimbursements with A2B: Say Goodbye to Delays and Ensure Timely Payments!

Lengthy approval processes and delayed reimbursements can negatively impact temporary staff morale, creating dissatisfaction and potential retention issues.

Transforming mileage claim recording like never before

Experience the perfect blend of simplicity and power with our user-friendly interface, enabling you to effortlessly navigate the app while retaining full control over your mileage claims. Enjoy a seamless and intuitive operation that ensures a hassle-free experience from start to finish.

Log Your Drive

Effortlessly track your drive distance with our lightning-fast address search feature. Seamlessly navigate using your preferred GPS app—Google, Waze, or Apple—while enjoying a smooth and hassle-free experience.

Schedule a Drive

Effortlessly manage and schedule your agency jobs that involve travel with our intuitive platform. Get a comprehensive map view of your scheduled jobs at a glance, allowing you to select your next destination with ease. Simply tap 'Go' to embark on your journey while seamlessly logging the distance traveled for accurate records.

Don't take our word for it.

Fatima Salame
CEO @ Company

Faucibus at tincidunt vulputate ultrices aliquam aliquet tellus fusce mattis. Dignissim enim viverra porttitor sodales lacus faucibus nunc cras. Mattis eu tortor vitae felis nunc, ut diam sed.

James Toriff
CEO @ Company

Dignissim enim viverra porttitor sodales lacus faucibus nunc cras. Mattis eu tortor vitae felis nunc, ut diam sed.

Kastriot Kosova
Founder @ Company

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Amet purus vitae habitant purus in. Faucibus at tincidunt vulputate ultrices aliquam aliquet tellus

Fatima Salame
CEO @ Company

Faucibus at tincidunt vulputate ultrices aliquam aliquet tellus fusce mattis. Dignissim enim viverra porttitor sodales lacus faucibus nunc cras. Mattis eu tortor vitae felis nunc, ut diam sed.

James Toriff
CEO @ Company

Dignissim enim viverra porttitor sodales lacus faucibus nunc cras. Mattis eu tortor vitae felis nunc, ut diam sed.

Kastriot Kosova
Founder @ Company

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Amet purus vitae habitant purus in. Faucibus at tincidunt vulputate ultrices aliquam aliquet tellus

Fatima Salame
CEO @ Company

Faucibus at tincidunt vulputate ultrices aliquam aliquet tellus fusce mattis. Dignissim enim viverra porttitor sodales lacus faucibus nunc cras. Mattis eu tortor vitae felis nunc, ut diam sed.

James Toriff
CEO @ Company

Dignissim enim viverra porttitor sodales lacus faucibus nunc cras. Mattis eu tortor vitae felis nunc, ut diam sed.

Kastriot Kosova
Founder @ Company

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Amet purus vitae habitant purus in. Faucibus at tincidunt vulputate ultrices aliquam aliquet tellus

Fatima Salame
CEO @ Company

Faucibus at tincidunt vulputate ultrices aliquam aliquet tellus fusce mattis. Dignissim enim viverra porttitor sodales lacus faucibus nunc cras. Mattis eu tortor vitae felis nunc, ut diam sed.

James Toriff
CEO @ Company

Dignissim enim viverra porttitor sodales lacus faucibus nunc cras. Mattis eu tortor vitae felis nunc, ut diam sed.

Kastriot Kosova
Founder @ Company

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Amet purus vitae habitant purus in. Faucibus at tincidunt vulputate ultrices aliquam aliquet tellus

Optimise mileage claims...
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A2B helps staff and agencies.